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Friday, November 27, 2009

"15" this number to many others may just be a simple and ordinary number. However, to me it means a whole lot more than just that. It has a very special meaning to me. Reason being very simple, I was born on the 15th of November! To make the number even more special,I celebrated my 15th Birthday with a bunch of awesome friends. This years birthday is the most unforgettable one so far..

Miao Yun called me up one day and gave me 3 options:
1. Ask 15 strangers to sing me happy birthday
2. Sing to myself a Happy Birthday Song in the middle of a High class restaurant.
3.Come in a dress and high heels

-.-" .....

The first option would get me into trouble especially when I didn't know who I'm asking. For all I know, I could be asking some molester! The second option would get me into even more trouble. Most probably, I would be banned from ever entering that place ever again! So, I didn't have much choice and reached Bishan MRT station in a dress and heels.

Considering what I had done to Saras on her Birthday, I knew it wasn't going to be that simple. I was RIGHT. I received a call from that cat again (Miao Yun), and she told me go to the spikes.

"SPIKES?! Hair could be spikey, fur could be spikey and a dog's name could be spikes!" Being very bad at direction, I immediately freaked out. Holy toot... You want me ,the Marissa who could get lost in her own home, to travel without any directions?!! Thankfully, the clue was easy. Esplanade.

Now how on Earth am I supposed to go there....I brain stormed for 5 mins and finally lit my bulb. Usually, I would always rely on Miao Yun for directions. She is my GPS! After the hung up on me, she sent me an sms. "GPS NOT AVAILABLE. Ask around. =)"


I finally found my way, but I was very sway, because my shoe gave way. *wow it rhymes!*
While walking in CityLink Mall( on the way to the Esplanade) part of my heels broke off! I immediately entered a shop (like a car running out of fuel) and parked myself inside. I felt very "unglam" for a few seconds and frantically called Saras and Miao Yun.
"EH! come and save me leh! My shoe broke you know?!!" Despite my cries of help, Saras even laughed at me through the phone!

-.-"""""""""""""""""""" ?!!!!!

I had no choice now. I have to buy a pair shoes! After spending another 10 minutes in a shoe shop I finally made a decision to buy a pair of heels. I couldn't buy flats because I chose the 3rd option...
Finally getting back on my feet, i started to get back my self-esteem. Quickened my pace and finally reached the Esplanade.I received a 3rd call" Go to the chocolate bar." "HUH." "Chocolate Bar lah!" "Errm..." *Hangs up on me again*

-.-".. wonder how many times have felt like this...

Ran to the nearest directory and Scanned. HUH?! My brain went blank again.
I'm on level 1 but the directory says I'm on level 2... I know I'm bad at I directions but at least I am smart enough to know that I'm on the ground floor! I went outside to check that i was really standing on solid ground. *Stomp Stomp* Yeap, It is SOLID ground. I went up to the floor above and checked the directory there. To my disbelief, it was the same map of the second floor!! Freaky much?
I thought I was starting to hallucinate or was I really THAT bad at directions?! I started to question my own abilities. No choice CALL AGAIN! I called Miao Yun and started pacing around talking to her as if I was in some foreign land. "WAIT I SEE YOU!" For the 4th time, she hung up on me. I looked around turning my body 360 degrees but I couldn't see her! I scratched my head and rubbed my eyes. There it was, right IN FRONT OF ME. The signboard. Max Brenner's Chocolate Bar.

The frustration, relief and anxiety overwhelmed me. I didn't know whether to smile or frown! Stomped in and saw my elegantly dressed friends. HAHA. To my surprise, Logesh was there too! I wanted to ask her what happened to her doctors appointment but my hands wanted to strangle my GPS. My legs wanted a rest and my butt wanted to meet the chair. So my complicated brain signals got mixed up and I looked like a clumsy fool when I sat down.

I had forgotten everything that happened in between but I can remember one thing very clearly. The gift giving session! Hahaha. I received an awesome tasting cake and cupcake/cookie/muffin thingy from Saras. You definitely know my taste Saras! Received a pencil case and 4 pens from Logesh. It may mean very little to other people but if you're in the foyer crew, you would know that PENS ARE VERY PRECIOUS! My sweet senior even wrote my name on every single pen and decorated the pencil case in the most touching way possible. I was about to cry already. Then My GPS gave me the most wonderful gift. It was a picture montage that practically captured all the crazy times we had together and it showed how much fun we had together. I didn't know that a few pieces of carefully handled papers and pictures, made by the one you love can look so beautiful! I mean the love in a best friend way ok! Hahaha. I could not contain my emotions and a tear came out. Thankfully I was quick enough that none of them saw it. I tried my best in holding in my tears in as they were really at the brink of my eyelids. I kept saying to myself "Marissa, you can't cry now! Not now!!"

I was honestly really touched my their gifts! Knowing that Logesh has practically graduated, yet she still put in so much effort for my birthday and she even cancelled her doctors appointment! That added alot to the crying gauge. Knowing that Saras has been very busy and studying so hard but she still came in a dress and withdrew money from her bank! That added even more to the gauge. Not seeing Miao Yun for like 1 whole freaking week and not hearing her crazy laughter and knowing that she had put in SO MUCH effort into this gift really filled up the "omg im going to cry" feeling.

The rest of the day was AWESOME! I drank the rest of the Caramel chocolate,was forced to drink another cup of coffee, sang to myself happy birthday in the Middle of Marina Square, had to wear stupid dresses thanks to their plan, we sat down together and watched the sunset and best of all we rode the flyer!! It was my first time on the flyer and I'm thankful that I spent my first time with the 3 of them. I had so much fun, even though I had to find my way, even though i had to buy another pair of shoes, even though I had to drink coffee, even though I had to wear those heels, even though we got lost a few times and even though I have awful and painful blisters now. I had an AWESOME time!
On my way home, I couldn't contain it any longer. I started crying tears of joy in the Mrt station and i couldn't stop! Guess I was just so grateful to have such caring friends.

My 15th birthday was really a blast! What made this celebration so unforgettable was not what I did or how I did it, instead, it was whom I did it with that made all the difference. I realized that true friendship can truly make you feel like you're on top of the world, as if there was nothing that could dampen your spirits, nothing you cannot overcome, nothing you cannot pull through especially when you have friends like these to rely on. It was not the number of things we did together that made us so strong but the number of never-ending hours we spent together. We were all there for each other in both celebration and grief, through the idle-ness and chaos of school days. Most importantly, despite all setbacks we faced at home and in school, we stuck together through thick and thin. Making friends is easy. Keeping them is hard. But one thing is for sure, friends like these can never be forgotten.

Stopped singing @ 1:49 PM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I cannot believe it but.. I'm going to update! YAY.

Just a few days ago I went for a camp with the councillors to Ngee Ann Poly! It was really fun! Unfortunately, I was sick on the first day with a fever up to 38.2Degrees! So, they had to leave without me. While trying to "hibernate" i received SO MANY CALLS! I received one from Joleen,a few from Miao Yun, another from Iffah and another from Saras. All within 10 minutes! Haha, I also felt a few slaps from them through the phone and also went partially deaf because of their sreamings of "What the hell?!!" That REALLY helped me feel better.

Thankfully, i went to the doctors with my dad as soon as he found out I was sick and I was greeted by a scared doctor. Once I told him I had cough, flu, sore throat and a fever, his face totally changed. Coincidentally I had 4 out of 7 of the symptoms of dengue fever. WOW. But don't worry, I'm CLEAN. Decided to really get well ASAP. With my determined mind, I managed to cool down to 36.8degrees by the next morning. A lot of difference right? colder than my usual self.

Reached Ngee Ann Poly the next day after numerous calls from peter and Weiting and was greeted by one of the leaders who "drove" me to Blk 72. (omg they have so many blks) When I went in, my jaw just dropped. I couldn't believe this was a school! It is definitely one of the most HIP and COOLEST places I have ever seen. There were beautiful lightings, an awesome floor plan, it was fully air-conditioned and strikingly decorated and best of all awesome songs were being played! Who could not fall in love with this place?! I would love to study there but too bad I'm aiming to get into JC. =)

Finally I saw a few familiar faces who went "Look its Marissa!". (Felt so good to see a familiar face in a very unfamiliar place)(OOoh! it rhymes!) Haha. My spirits ware immediately enlightened when I saw Miao Yun, Saras and Michelle! Haha. Got a few scoldings and pinchings and slappings and hittings from them but their presence totally flung my sickness out the window. And today's gonna be a good day.. And today's gonna be a GOOD GOOD day!(imitating song).

Participated in my first workshop with a speaker named "Jeff Tan Jack Foo"( ???). Jeff was really funny with his clumsy hand gestures and actions. Never failed to make us laugh every 5 minutes or so. I Learnt that people's characters and personalities can be categorized into 4 elements : Fire, Water, Earth and Air. I was WATER. Woohoo! *swish*. Each element had their own pros and cons and he taught us how to handle different people in different ways.

My second Speaker was a lady named "Candice". At first I thought she was a very fierce person as before she started speaking she looked so serious with her stern face and minimal body movements. Totally the opposite of Jeff, who was SUPER funny! However, I was totally wrong. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover cause in fact, she was even MORE crazier than Jeff! She started talking and her intro immediately caught everyone's attention "Are you guys having fun!!!" Haha and of course everyone started screaming.Her Workshops were also very fun. Through her workshops I learnt that communication is very important and that my drawing SUCKS... Haha.

After lunch we went for Abseiling!! OMG! 15 metres high and you want me to "spiderman" down?!! Are you nuts? Well, in the end Miao Yun forced me to go by volunteering to be the first ones and I had to bring Saras down with me! So the 4 of us,including michelle, climbed up the never ending fleets of stairs to the gateway to hell for Acrophobics. Haha chim. Basically , Saras and I almost peed in our pants. While Michelle went down first, we all said our good byes before "hooking up" Haha. Miao Yun practically glided down like a pro while Saras and I descended like ostriches trying to fly. Nonetheless, it was an awesome experience. There was another activity which forced us closer together. And I mean, really close... Michelle was kicked in the stomach, Miao Yun was molested, Saras was pushed and I was elbowed several times. We were really close after that. (Said Sarcastically).

We had a dinner themed "Halloween" and we were eating at a venue called "The room of no return". It was UNFORGETTABLE! Our leaders dressed up so Ghostly and had decorated the place so spooky-ly that many girls jumped out of their seats screaming. We had much fun scaring one another. The part I remember most about the dinner was that Rachel was a pregnant vampire and Miao Yun ate Wasabe without crying! We ate and we ate till our mouths changed color with those monster sweets! I was Blue tongued for like 3o mins!

I had to spend the night in the same apartment with Li Yan, Shi Min, Kirthika and Miao Yun. I was shocked when they turned off the lights when I was showering but couldn't shout because I had a sore throat. (Urgh!)After watching Miao Yun and Shi Min jump about the living room doing flips and splits (ouch), finally felt tired and went to sleep at 2.30am in the morning. I had to share bunk beds with Miao Yun and trust me i had to struggle like CRAZY just to get some sleep! I didn't want the top bed because I was afraid of the squeaky ladder and she didn't want to because the bed was uncomfortable(apparently I didn't know that!). We tried to chope the other bed in the most funniest ways possible. From poking each other to pushing each other off the bed to making irritating noises to get me off! I have to admit, one of the best nights spent. Hahaha (not in the wrong way of course). (((WHITE))).

I finally gave up and slept on top which resulted in an aching back in the morning. Had another day of fun with awesome performances . Really the cherry on top of a wonderful ice cream (I'm making myself hungry). We cheered and laughed so hard during the performances that my tears committed suicide. I have to say, it was really one of THE most fun camps I have ever been to! Unfortunately, this will be my last one with the council as next year marks the coming of O levels. Time flies almost faster than the speed of light nowadays, so treasure every moment, every second. I love you guys man!


Stopped singing @ 8:27 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Finally ended... My 2 events have finally ended!!

After a super long week of rehearsals and more rehearsals it was finally over!! hehe, and got to celebrate it at Miao Miao's place. =)

NDP was awesome. Tirta and gang were NUTS!! Hahaha.snapping pics,shouting,waving like ppl from IMH. Hahaha. Thanks so much you guys for your support!

I must say the investiture went quite well and the choir did well for NDP too!! Woots! Soooo many things have happened since the day I last posted but still have to keep it brief as there is ANOTHER MAJOR EVENT coming up. COMMON TEST week... Sigh..

Crapping so much had never made me feel better* I never knew I could make "solid milk". It was just AWESOME. Haha.


Stopped singing @ 3:09 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

ok I know I am 6 months early but I have to post!

Tmrw is the first day of school!! Time really flies when you are having fun and I just realised that there are still lazy bums out there who still haven't finished their hmwrk (I am not only talking about my brother) HaiYah these few people...You only have 6 hrs before your mother or father will ask you to go to bed! So hurry up! Jia You! Haha

During this holiday I have tried many many things for the first time. Don't worry I still dont smoke. =) I ran 26.6km for the first time in my life. I have drank coffee and actually liked it for the first time in my life. I have video called for the first time. I have wrapped a decent gift for the first time in my life! Woohoo! I am so proud of myself. Haha.

Well, now that the busy holiday is over its time to start the busy schooling days again. On the first week of the school I am going to be very busy.First day of sch I have to adjust to working at the foyer again and make announcements and prepare my speech after sch. On the second day of school Someone is turing 15!! Haha, First Ass then Jack 4 then Jack 2 and I am the youngest Jack.

I wish everyone the best in adjusting to the new school schedule and I hope that everyone will finish their homework on time!! Haha Miao Yun quick!!


Stopped singing @ 6:19 PM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yay I'm like finally going to post!! Haha. Ok time to update... Hmmm so far I have been to 2 camps in 1 week.. Choir camp and council leaders camp!

Choir camp was definately less tiring than council camp but still very fun! Didn't sleep much only managed to get 20 mins of shut eye. Despite some setbacks, I found it fun!!! Hope the other choir ppl did too! My toe was still a problem during choir camp..

During council camp, my toe was still a problem. Because of a small injury I wasn't able to do the high elements and the rafting!! Sad-ed... Even more sad-ed was that the jack and the ass were seperated! argh! Haha. But we still managed to pull through. At least in this camp I managed to slp! 1.30am to 5am everyday. Haha some improvement. The tents were squeezy, I think I squashed saras. The bunks were stuffy and I think I slept because of too much laughing and we were running out of oxygen. Jack 2 was always begging to wear the same shirt for 3 days and Ass couldn't stop laughing.

That is pretty much the summary of my 2 camps. Hehe not very short though. Sch holidays are ending soon and I still have my heymath to do! Best news I have heard so far was that we are not performing on Monday for AYG! Woots! Even though we missed another opportunity to showcase our singing cum dancing talents, it was such a relief. Worst news I have heard so far was that my speech competition is going to be on 30th june... Aww so sry Jack 4!!! Haha.

Best achievement, I jogged 26.6 km and gt serious sun tanning from it! Wooohooo! I'm happy about the distance not the colour change.

Best fun I have had in the june holidays was making a horror show into a comedy and I turned into Miao Yun's mummy at the same time! WEIRD.. Watching her cry because of spice and run because of an old lady asking for dentures was the most I laughed in a VERY LONG TIME!

Maybe I'll post again during December Hols. Haha See Ya!


Stopped singing @ 11:00 AM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Here I am sucking on Ms Noraini's 1-month-old cadbury crunchie chocolate. Trying to make myself feel better. Today was my SYF day, my LAST SYF day. And boy was it fun! Sadly, we did not manage to achieve the award that we had all been waiting for.

Everyone woke up early in the morning and I was the 5th person to reach sch and which was 6.10 am in the morning. The choir did some very fun exercises before warming-up vocally. Loved the "Bao" and "doughnut" exercise! Haha.

Anyway,everyone looked so beautiful and handsome in the gowns and suits respectively(obviously). Before we knew it we were at Victoria Concert Hall waiting for our turn to showcase our talents. VCH hold so many memories for me even though I went there for the first time only in Sec 1. The SYFs I had there,plus performances that I have admired with friends and family. I really love going there, gives the "re live the days" feeling. Haha.

I was really REALLY VERY TRULY excited!! Honestly,1 week beore SYF I felt that we really could have gotten a GOLD! However,the progress rate decreased slightly as THE DAY got closer. That was when I started preparing myself mentally to get a silver. but...

I never imagined how heartbreaking it is to get a silver when you want a gold SO BAD!!!
2 YEARS we have worked for a result that will remain for another 2 years. 6 hours of practice before SYF for 6 mins in the spotlight.. I know people say,"The result doesn't matter, as long as you try your best" ..I really dont know why but I still regret even when I DID try my best!

So here I am,with another nett weight 40g of chocolate to comsume.. and still regretting.


REGERTTING NO USE!! To all choir members who read this :" Those of you who still have another chance to go for SYf...The choir's fate lies with you. Those who are graduating the within the next two years... We have the most important duty now. We have the prepare the choir so that they will be ready before 2011. So I hope everyone is with me. Cause I am NOT giving up on getting a GOLD!!! Graduating or not, I am not giving up on bowen chorale cause I know that WE CAN DO IT!!

Signing off,

Stopped singing @ 9:18 PM

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Oh My God!! I am so excited!! In a few more hours its going to be 2009! Choir is resuming! And CCA Carnival is coming next friday on 9 Jan!!! Every single event makes me more and more excited!!
REALLY SUPER EXCITED!! Only one person knows why I'm so excited and what I'm excited about. MUAHAHA!! Really can't wait man!

Happy New Year Everyone!!


Stopped singing @ 7:45 PM

The Lady

Her parents named her Marissa
She was born on 15 Nov 1994
& is currently fourteen
Tao Nan Sch t0 BWSS
If you dislike her, please click here


I ♥ Singing
I ♥ Miley cyrus
I ♥ Music
I ♥ Choir
I ♥ Smiling :)

Wishing ♥

x Ace all my subjects!
x Able to get into VJC!!
x Continue singing forever! =)

Scream :D


Links ♥
Bowen Chorale ♥
Bowen alto ♥
Si Hui
Huey Ming
Michelle L
Michelle Png
Miao Yun
Moy Hong
Yun Xin
Ruo Qi
Council Board

Friends :D
Music Box ♥

Arigatou ♥

Layout Done By:KAILENG♥
SoftwarePhotoshop Element 5.0

Please do not remove the credits :) THNKS!

Memories :D

April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
September 2008
October 2008
December 2008
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009